Lila with her class (she was a teacher in the early years)
Lila and Doug with baby Danny
Danny, Dickie, Chi, Bitsy, Ruth Ann
Top: Lila Christine (Chi), Ruth Ann and Dan
Bottom: Dickie and Alice (Bitsy)

Thanks for always taking me shopping when I was a needy teenager.
For making my Saturday nights special watching Lawrence Welk on tv while polishing our fingernails.
Thanks for playing the piano and singing the old hymns for me.
For the fried corn.
Thank-you for loving my dad in a way that no one else did.
For adoring and relying on my mother in such a way that there was no distinction between daughter and daughter-in-law.
Thank-you for raising your family.
Thank-you Grandma for teaching me the ways of this world.
From you I learned resourcefulness,
Such an integral part of our family...
I love you.
I miss you.
Lila loved her grandchildren Amy and Jenny
My grandmother, Lila, always had a dish of hard candy around and liked to watch Lawrence Welk, much to my chagrin. She always opened her home to us and her family if we needed her.
I remember a Florida trip where we drove down with her in the car, I think she was grateful for Dramamine that trip. We flew back home that year because Amy broke her foot riding waves and she bought me a stuffed animal to carry on the plane so I wouldn’t be so afraid.
One time mom and dad actually took a week’s vacation without Amy and me and we stayed with Grandma Lila. Of course that is the only time I ever got in trouble at school. I was in fourth grade and got in trouble with Tricia Truax for throwing crayons at some boy on the bus. My big defense was that we didn’t start it but only threw them in retaliation. Well, we got suspended off the bus and Aunt Mary Ellen had to drive us to and from school the rest of the week. I will never forget Grandma Lila’s speech to me about how I should not be a follower, only a leader, and that there was no excuse for doing something you knew was wrong just because someone else was doing it. That was a stern lecture for me at the time; I’m pretty sure I cried. My mom and dad were pretty easy on me and I guess Grandma Lila thought it was time for some behavior modification. But I knew she loved me.
- Jenny
Lila loved to play piano and sing. Many times we gathered at her house on the weekend for a visit and sang hymns. The Bakers all liked to sing. Bill, Alice, Ann, Lila. Patsy W. loved singing with us too. She liked singing tenor, I sang alto, Lila would sing alto or soprano as needed. Ann and Alice were alto's too so sometimes we were a little heavy on the alto. Thank goodness sister Mary Ellen sang soprano. Lots of times I would stop by and play piano and sing with my cousins (see pic below with Alice (Bitsy) and Pam.)
It never occurred to us to call ahead before we went to her house. We usually dropped in on a Friday night with a TGIF attitude. I was newly married and felt a strong attachment to the other adult Bakers. I think, as a young bride, it made me feel more grown up. - Patricia

As Memorial Day came and went this year my thoughts were all about Lila. I've thought about her attention to planting flowers in containers to take to the graves in Stanton. We had no tradition like that in my family and it seemed a beautiful thing to do. Mom always wanted a multi-color group of flowers for each grave, especially for her parents' graves. I loved to help pick out and plant the pots. We took them to the cemetery and lovingly placed them. Once I asked her why it was so important to her. She answered that's how you respected and honored your dead and showed what kind of person you are. Over the years there has been much honor and respect shown to the Baker Family. So many people,so many graves. Much has been written in this blog about those people. I came to know and love them.
I remember the get-togethers at each house. The singing, card playing, drinking coffee, and talking. I remember being "voted" into the family. Sometimes they talked about voting someone out but I don't think they did. Does anyone remember when we had to put a quarter in a jar if we mentioned a certain name?
The Florida trips were amazing and I will never forget them. Mom(Lila) accepted me as a daughter and loved me. I loved her back. Life has not been easy---but I'd do it all again. So many people,so many rich relationships have been mine because of this Baker Family. Thanks to all of you. - Marilyn

The whole family with baby Daniel

Amy, Daniel, and Jenny

Family trip to Florida
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